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PHO Rounds: Strategies to Improve Vaccine Confidence and Uptake

Public health Units (PHUs) worked with faith-based organizations (FBOs) during the COVID-19 vaccine rollout to improve vaccine confidence and uptake among ethnoracially minoritized groups in Ontario. Vaccine confidence is when there is trust in (i) the effectiveness and safety of vaccines; (ii) the system that delivers them, including the reliability and competence of health professionals and (iii) the motivations of policy makers who decide on the needed vaccines. We will present research (i.e., survey and interview) results describing the various ways public health units engaged formally with different community-based and faith-based organizations to promote COVID-19 vaccine confidence and uptake among minoritized groups in Ontario. The results can inform promising practices for PHU-FBO engagement in future mass vaccination campaigns and inform the development of a more fulsome community engagement framework for immunization delivery programs. Our knowledge user, Peel Public Health will also reflect on what engagement mechanisms worked/didn’t work to increase confidence and uptake among Ontario’s minorized communities.

Présentateur(s): Dr. Erica Di Ruggiero, Dr. Shaza A. Fadel, Dr. Nazia Peer

Dr. Erica Di Ruggiero, PhD, is an Associate Professor & Director at the Centre for Global Health, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, Social and Behavioural Health Sciences Division & Institute of Health Policy, Management and Evaluation. She is a public health researcher who specializes in implementation science, with mixed methods experience and use of different theories/frameworks to evaluate population health interventions, their health and gender equity impacts at local, national and global levels.

Dr. Shaza A. Fadel, PhD, is an Assistant Professor in the Clinical Public Health Division and Director of the Centre for Vaccine-Preventable Diseases, Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. She is an epidemiologist and immunologist with more than a decade of experience in vaccine-preventable disease research and the impact of vaccination programs on maternal and child health. She is also a volunteer member of the Canadian Muslim COVID-19 Task Force.

Dr. Nazia Peer is the Acting Director of the Immunization Services Division at the Region of Peel and an an Adjunct Professor in the Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto. She is a South African Public Health and Preventative Medicine Physician with more than a decade in experience working in infectious diseases, public health research, leadership and management and leading large epidemiological studies capturing death data in sub- Saharan Africa. In her Director role at Peel, Nazia and her team developed community-based initiatives using a deep understanding and appreciation of the cultural, religious, lifestyle and social demographic factors that shape the lived experiences of Peel communities.

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The opinions expressed by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies or views of Public Health Ontario, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by Public Health Ontario.


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Mis à jour le 6 juin 2024