Infection Prevention and Control for Environmental Cleaning in Health Care Online Learning Modules

These online learning modules are intended for stakeholders seeking education and training on IPAC and environmental cleaning. They are intended for both frontline environmental service workers and managers, as well as infection control professionals working in all health care settings.

These modules support the implementation of best practice information from the Provincial Infectious Disease Advisory Committee (PIDAC), including Best Practices for Environmental Cleaning for Prevention and Control of Infections, by helping environmental services workers and their leaders understand and apply IPAC and environmental cleaning practices in their work. They should be used in addition to, and do not replace, the advice, guidelines, recommendations, directives or other direction of provincial Ministries and local public health authorities.

The new modules will include a general overview and six modules on the following topics:

Completing the Modules

Each module should take no more than 15 minutes to complete, and will have learning checkpoints and will provide a certificate upon completion of all required modules. Access the online learning modules through PHO’s Learning Management System (LMS).

Course Overview of IPAC for Environmental Cleaning in Health Care

This course overview module is meant to help you understand the layout of the course and the modules that are included in it. This module will also show you how to navigate the course, as you work through its different interactive features including; knowledge checks, flip cards, and use of external media.


Module 1: Introduction to Environmental Cleaning and IPAC in Health Care

This module is designed to introduce you to environmental cleaning and IPAC in health care.


Module 2: Stopping the Spread of Infections

This module is designed to introduce you to how infections spread using the Chain of Transmission model, and how we can stop them from spreading.


Module 3: Routine Practices and Additional Precautions for Environmental Cleaning

This module is designed to introduce you to the general principles of Routine Practices and Additional Precautions in environmental cleaning.


Module 4: Standards and Tools for Environmental Cleaning in Health Care

This module is designed to introduce you to best practices, techniques, and tools that should be applied to a range of environmental cleaning procedures in health care.


Module 5: Principles and Techniques for Environmental Cleaning in Health Care

This module is designed to introduce you to workflow principles to a variety of cleaning procedures to reduce the spread of infections in the environment.


Module 6: IPAC for Leaders of Environmental Cleaning in Health Care

This module is designed to introduce leaders of environmental services in health care to various aspects of their role that contribute to preventing and controlling the spread of infections.


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Infection Prevention and Control

Updated 30 Nov 2023