Infection Prevention and Control
Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) refers to evidence-based practices and procedures that, when applied consistently in health care settings, can prevent or reduce the risk of transmission of microorganisms to health care providers, clients, patients, residents and visitors.
We provide public health professionals with expertise, support and resources for infection prevention and control. For information and resources related to specific topics or services, see the list below.
PHO Rounds: Can a Voluntary Isolation Centre Reduce Secondary Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Households: A Matched Cohort Study
This Public Health Ontario (PHO) Rounds will present a study which compared transmission among households where first cases used the Toronto Voluntary Isolation Centre (TVIC) with households that received routine self-isolation guidance, prior to widespread vaccine availability.
PHO Rounds: Can a Voluntary Isolation Centre Reduce Secondary Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Households: A Matched Cohort Study
This Public Health Ontario (PHO) Rounds will present a study which compared transmission among households where first cases used the Toronto Voluntary Isolation Centre (TVIC) with households that received routine self-isolation guidance, prior to widespread vaccine availability.
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