Blood Borne Infections

Blood borne infections (BBIs) are viruses that are carried in the blood, specifically hepatitis B, hepatitis C and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). They can be transmitted through sexual contact, sharing needles, needle-stick injuries, from mother to baby during pregnancy, during birth or through breast feeding. BBIs may also exist in other body fluids. We provide public health workers with expertise, support and resources for the prevention and control of BBIs.


PHO Rounds: Can a Voluntary Isolation Centre Reduce Secondary Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Households: A Matched Cohort Study

This Public Health Ontario (PHO) Rounds will present a study which compared transmission among households where first cases used the Toronto Voluntary Isolation Centre (TVIC) with households that received routine self-isolation guidance, prior to widespread vaccine availability.

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Updated 13 Dec 2024