Board Meetings and Minutes
Board Meeting Dates
PHO’s Board of Directors and the Board’s standing committees meet at least four times a year. Standing committees report on their respective meetings at Board meetings. Scheduled Board meeting dates for the current calendar year are as follows:
- March 28, 2023
- June 22, 2023
- Sept 28, 2023
- Dec 14, 2023
Board Minutes
PHO is accountable to the Minister of Health through the Chair of the Board of Directors. As PHO's governing body, the Board is responsible for the management and control of the affairs of PHO which includes ensuring that PHO's strategic, business and operational plans, policies and activities are consistent with the Memorandum of Understanding, PHO’s governing legislation and Ministry of Health’s policy directions as communicated by the Minister. PHO’s Board of Directors has three standing committees that support the Board in fulfilling its mandate: Governance and Human Resources, Audit Finance and Risk, and Strategic Planning.
PHO has the ability to communicate findings based on scientific and technical research and knowledge. PHO is committed to providing access to information about how we handle our affairs, including Board and standing committee minutes. At the same time we recognize that certain information may be confidential to PHO and in some cases to our partners. As PHO must protect everyone's confidentiality and legal rights, PHO cannot make confidential information available. Confidential information is redacted from minutes and is marked [Confidential]. To the extent possible, PHO has made available all factual information.
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