Dr. Sarah Wilson
Medical Epidemiologist
Health Protection
"I am a passionate supporter of immunization. Through vaccine coverage assessment, program evaluation and providing scientific support to PIDAC-I, my goal is to help protect the greatest number of Ontarians against vaccine-preventable diseases."
Areas of Expertise
- immunization coverage assessment
- immunization program evaluation
- vaccine-preventable diseases
- outbreak investigation
Academic Degrees and Accreditations
- Doctor of Medicine, University of Toronto
- Master of Science (Public Health), London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
- Certificant, Canadian College of Family Medicine (CCFP)
- Fellow, The Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada (FRCPC), Public Health and Preventive Medicine
- Canadian Field Epidemiology Program
PHO Research Interests
- Data sources and methodologies for immunization coverage assessment.
- The use of administrative data to study the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases and immunization program delivery.
- Public perceptions of immunization and vaccine-preventable diseases.
PHO Research Activities
- Provide medical and scientific support to Ontario public health units and the Provincial Infectious Diseases Advisory Committee on Immunization (PIDAC-I) in the areas of immunization and vaccine-preventable diseases.
- Assessing the impact of rotavirus immunization on acute gastroenteritis in Ontario using administrative data.
- Examining the uptake of rotavirus vaccine in Ontario and factors (infant, family and provider) associated with rotavirus immunization.
- In a mixed methods study involving key informants, capturing information on immunization information systems and the methodology used to compute vaccine coverage estimates in Canada.
Selected Publications
- Wilson SE, Chung H, Schwartz KL, Guttmann A, Deeks SL, Kwong JC, et al. Rotavirus vaccine coverage and factors associated with uptake using linked data: Ontario, Canada. PLoS One. 2018;13(2):e0192809.
- Wilson SE, Quach S, MacDonald S, Naus M, Deeks SL, Crowcroft NS, et al. Methods used for immunization coverage assessment in Canada, a Canadian Immunization Research Network (CIRN) study. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2017;13(8):1928-36.
- Wilson SE, Quach S, MacDonald SE, Naus M, Deeks SL, Crowcroft NS, et al. Immunization information systems in Canada: attributes, functionality, strengths and challenges. Can J Public Health. 2016;107(6):e1–8.
- Wilson SE, Rosella LC, Wang J, Le Saux N, Crowcroft NS, Harris T, et al. Population-level impact of Ontario’s infant rotavirus immunization program: evidence of direct and indirect effects. PLoS One. 2016;11(5):e0154340.
- Wilson SE, Seo CY, Lim GH, Fediurek J, Crowcroft N, Deeks SL. Trends in medical and non-medical immunization in Canada’s largest province: 2002/3 to 2012/13. CMAJ Open. 2015;3(3):E317-23.
10 Sep 2021
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