Event Details
PHO Rounds: Alcohol Risk and Policy: Impacts of alcohol container labels
Alcohol container labels (ACL) may reduce population alcohol harms, but investigations of their effectiveness have varied in approach and quality. This PHO Rounds will present our research and objectives, which included establishing the effects of ACL with health warnings, standard drink information and low risk drinking guidance. We then explore the subsequent impacts on alcohol use, knowledge of alcohol risks and support for labels.
We performed a systematic review according to Cochrane standards, and included all peer-reviewed studies and grey literature published Jan 1989 to March 2024, which investigated the effects of ACL on behaviours, knowledge, or support. Data were synthesized narratively as impact statements and assessed for risk of bias and certainty in the evidence. Results suggest ACL may influence some consumption behaviours, with those bearing multiple types of rotating messages being particularly effective, though effects may vary depending on individual health literacy or consumption behaviour. ACL may therefore, be an effective component of policy to address population alcohol harms.
Intended audience: Researchers, public health policy makers, Ministry of Health employees who work in strategy and planning, MOHs/AMOHs, epidemiologists.
By the end of this session, participants will be able to:
- Describe the state of evidence investigating the effects of ACL on population-level alcohol consumption behaviours, knowledge of alcohol risks and support for labels
- Identify gaps and limitations in the evidence requiring further research
- Interpret ACL policies and practices in Canada and internationally
Presenter(s): Erin Hobin, Alexandra Zuckermann
Erin Hobin, PhD, is a Senior Scientist in the Health Promotion, Chronic Disease, and Injury Prevention portfolio at Public Health Ontario. She also holds an appointment as an Associate Professor-Status Only in the Epidemiology Division at the Dalla Lana School of Public Health.
Alexandra Zuckermann, PhD, has a PhD in Biomedical Sciences and an MSc in Global Health Policy. Currently, she is a research analyst, systematic review lead and guideline methodologist in the Evidence Synthesis and Knowledge Translation Unit at the Public Health Agency of Canada.
The opinions expressed by speakers and moderators do not necessarily reflect the official policies or views of Public Health Ontario, nor does the mention of trade names, commercial practices, or organizations imply endorsement by Public Health Ontario.
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PHO Rounds are also approved by the Council of Professional Experience for professional development hours (PDHs) for members of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI).
For more information or for a record of registration for other Continuing Education purposes, please contact capacitybuilding@oahpp.ca.
Public Health Ontario is committed to complying with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA). If you require accommodations to participate in this event, please contact 647-260-7100 or capacitybuilding@oahpp.ca.
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