Core Competencies - Resources for Trainers

Welcome to the Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Core Competencies trainer's page. The purpose of these materials is to support trainers/facilitators in conducting face-to-face (IPAC) Core Competencies training. The content for the trainers is the same as the online modules. These materials can also be used to augment/enhance existing IPAC educational sessions such as orientation for new staff and annual refresher sessions. For more information contact


PHO Rounds: Can a Voluntary Isolation Centre Reduce Secondary Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Households: A Matched Cohort Study

This Public Health Ontario (PHO) Rounds will present a study which compared transmission among households where first cases used the Toronto Voluntary Isolation Centre (TVIC) with households that received routine self-isolation guidance, prior to widespread vaccine availability.

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Infection Prevention and Control

Updated 9 Aug 2019