Smallpox is a contagious disease caused by the variola virus. The disease was eradicated globally as a result of vaccination, with the last naturally occurring case occurring in 1977. It does remain as a potential bioterrorism weapon. Smallpox was transmitted from person-to-person through contact with smallpox sores and through coughing or sneezing. Symptoms of smallpox include a fever and a distinct rash.
To obtain or inquire about an immunization record, or for general immunization information, please contact your local public health unit.
PHO Rounds: Preventing Childhood Asthma: The Neglected Impacts of Antibiotic Stewardship and Human Milk Exposure in Infants
This session of PHO Rounds presents a recently concluded study of 600,000 Canadian children in two provinces, showing that this association is operating in populations at a scale that may help to explain observed tempering of the asthma epidemic.
To obtain or inquire about an immunization record, or for general immunization information, please contact your local public health unit.
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