Neisseria gonorrhoeae Culture Kit (6-Pack) order#: 390051
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This supply pack is sufficient for 6 Neisseria gonorrhoeae cultures containing 6 Amies Charcoal transport media with large swabs for the collection of endocervical or anal specimens, and 6 Public Health Ontario (PHO) Laboratory test requisitions (male urethral swabs not included).
If required, the collection kit also includes 6 slides and 6 cotton-tipped swabs for preparing slide examinations for the additional detection of Neisseria gonorrhoeae from male urethral specimens or the detection of Bacterial Vaginosis, Yeast cells and Trichomonas vaginalis from female vaginal specimens. Yeast and Trichomonas testing is performed on male specimens only by request.
- Open the pouched seal pack and aseptically remove the sterile swab from the package.
- Collect the specimen from the site involved (see the Specimen Collection Instructions for Neisseria gonorrhoeae Culture) as early as possible following the onset of symptoms.
- After collecting the specimen, it is essential that the swab be placed in the transport medium immediately.
- Aseptically remove cap from vial and insert the swab in the medium.
- Break the swab shaft evenly at the scored line well below the cap and replace cap to vial closing tightly. The shaft of the swab should fit completely inside the transport medium vial to avoid leaking.
- Label the specimen container with the patient’s full name, site/source, date of collection and one other unique identifier such as patient’s date of birth or Health Card Number. Failure to provide this information may result in rejection or testing delay.
- Complete all fields of the PHO’s laboratory requisition: include the patient’s full name, date of birth, Health Card Number (must match the specimen label), enter “Neisseria gonorrhoeae” under test description, source of specimen, date of onset, date of collection, physician name and address, and clinical diagnosis.
- Place specimen in the biohazard bag and seal bag.
- Insert the completed requisition in the pocket on the outside of the sealed biohazard bag.
- To maintain optimum viability, the specimen should be stored at room temperature or incubated at 35-37 °C and transported to the laboratory.
- For further information about Neisseria gonorrhoeae culture specimen collection refer to Test Directory Index
Storage of unused kits – The kits can be stored at room temperature with stated expiry date - DO NOT USE EXPIRED KITS.
To order kits or for more information:
- Email: PHOL.Warehouse@oahpp or;
- Fax: 416-235-5753
- Phone: 416-235-6556 or toll free 1-877-604-4567
- Neisseria gonorrhoeae Culture (6 Pack) order# :390051
Specimen Collection Instructions for Neisseria gonorrhoeae Culture
- Retract the prepuce from glans penis and wipe meatus with sterile gauze.
- Digitally “milk” the penile urethra to obtain sufficient exudate.
- Use one swab to collect the exudates.
- Place the swab in the Amies charcoal transport medium.
- Use a second swab to collect another sample of secretions.
- Make a thin smear by rolling the swab on the microscopic slide and air dry the smear.
- The patient should not douche for 24 hours nor use vaginal medication for 48 hours before the specimen is taken.
- Moisten speculum with water - do not use any other lubricant.
- Insert one swab into the endocervical canal and move from side to side. Allow several seconds for absorption of organisms onto the swab.
- Place the swab in the Amies charcoal transport medium.
- Use a second swab to collect another sample of vaginal secretions.
- If required, make a thin smear by rolling this second swab on the microscopic slide and air dry the smear.
- Insert swab approximately 3-4 cm into anal canal or 1-4 cm beyond edge of anoscope.
- If the swab is stained with faeces, use another swab to obtain specimen.
- Move swab from side to side in the anal canal to sample crypts. Allow several seconds for absorption of organisms onto swab.
- Place the swab in the Amies charcoal transport medium.
- Insert swab via mouth and collect specimen by vigorously swabbing posterior pharynx and tonsillar regions.
- Place the swab in Amies charcoal transport medium.
- Gently swab area of discharge from eye suspected of infection. Place the swab in the Amies charcoal transport medium.
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