Online Outbreak Notification Report
The Online Outbreak Notification report is a streamlined submission via the use of SharePoint site that provides a user-oriented data submission process.
This process has been updated from email to a secure online platform to enhance health unit user experience, and to streamline internal processing. Outbreak notification from health units allows PHO’s Laboratory to prepare for incoming specimens, gauge potential operational impact and assess opportunities for further assistance. The contact information provided may also help streamline reporting of results.
The tool is restricted to public health unit staff with:
- a role in providing outbreak information to PHO’s laboratory for preparation of incoming samples for testing
- an understanding and respect for the confidential and sensitive nature of the information
Request access to the Online Outbreak Notification Report
- Register on our website with MyPHO using your current work e-mail address. Do not use a non-work related or personal e-mail address (e.g. @outlook.com and @gmail.com) for the online outbreak notification process.
- After successfully signing up for a PHO account, email your full name, professional title, and e-mail address that corresponds to your account to phol.outbreaknotification@oahpp.ca.
- Access will be granted by PHO’s Laboratory to the secure Outbreak Notification Form SharePoint site and a confirmation e-mail will be sent to approved users.
Please note, this online submission report is optimized for desktop only.
Outbreak Notification Report Submission Guide
This document provides instructions on how to submit Outbreak Notification Reports through our new secure online platform.
Don’t have a MyPHO account? Register Now