From the (virtual) library shelf: seminal public health reports for Ontario
Public Health History
16 Feb 2022
Government and other institutional public health reports document important milestones in the field of public health and help researchers and policy makers build on the lessons of the past. Many of these documents are not centrally stored, collected and disseminated and can disappear, becoming grey literature – information produced outside of traditional publishing and distribution channels. These critical reports are at risk of being lost due to digital publishing practices.
PHO’s Library Services staff, in partnership with the Kingston Hub of the Shared Library Services Partnership (SLSP), have curated a collection of seminal grey literature reports, ranging from 2021 to 1973, that have shaped Ontario's public health system to ensure persistent access to their content.
The first edition of the “Selection of Seminal Public Health Reports for Ontario” is now available.
Included in the edition are topics such as:
- H1N1
- Walkerton Inquiry
- Blood System Inquiry
Researchers, students and librarians will have easy access to these items for their studies or for inclusion in library collections. PHO’s Library Services team is in the process of expanding the current collection, and are actively looking for more items and exploring opportunities for digitization of older materials.
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