Détails des événements
PHO Rounds: Measles outbreaks in Canada: a brief modelling study
Canada is experiencing a surge in measles cases in 2024. Mathematical models are a tool to support planning and response to infectious diseases. This PHO Rounds will describe the results of a brief modelling study that explores the impact of public health interventions such as vaccinations, case and contact management, and their potential impact on measles cases and outbreaks. This information can inform implementation efforts by local public health and policy decisions in response to potential outbreaks.
Présentateur(s): Dr. Caroline Colijn
Dr. Caroline Colijn holds a Canada 150 Research Chair in Mathematics for Evolution, Infection and Public Health. Her work is at the interface of mathematics and the epidemiology and evolution of pathogens. Her group develops mathematical tools connecting sequence data to the ecology and evolution of infections. She also has a long-standing interest on the dynamics of diverse interacting pathogens. For example, how does the interplay between co-infection, competition and selection drive the development of antimicrobial resistance? To answer these questions, her group is building new approaches to analyzing and comparing phylogenetic trees derived from sequence data, studying tree space and branching processes, and developing ecological and epidemiological models with diversity in mind.
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PHO Grand Rounds are also approved by the Council of Professional Experience for professional development hours (PDHs) for members of the Canadian Institute of Public Health Inspectors (CIPHI).
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