Mycobacterium – Referred Cultures

Conformément au Règlement de l’Ontario 671/92 de la Loi sur les services en français, les renseignements d’analyses de laboratoire liés à la présente page ne sont offerts qu’en anglais parce qu’ils sont de nature scientifique ou technique et destinés uniquement à l’usage des fournisseurs de soins de santé qualifiés et non aux membres du public.

Content/Specimen Collection and Handling

Content/Specimen Requirements

Content/Test Requested Content/Required Requisitions Content/Specimen Type Content/Minimum Volume Required Content/Collection Kit


Acid Fast Bacillus (AFB)



Content/Submission and Collection Notes


Submit viable growth of an Acid Fast Bacillus (AFB) on solid or in liquid Mycobacterium culture medium.


Contaminated or non-viable cultures will not be tested.


Drug susceptibility testing on nontuberculous mycobacteria (NTM) must be requested after culture identification by contacting the Public Health Ontario (PHO) laboratory for approval. Requests must be made within 3 months of specimen identification. (See Test Information Index: Mycobacteria – NTM Susceptibility).


Identification assays can only be performed on cultures and not direct from specimens.

Content/Storage and Transport

Label the specimen container with the patient’s full name, date of collection and one other unique identifier such as the patient’s date of birth or Health Card Number. Failure to provide this information may result in rejection or testing delay.

Content/Special Instructions

Place culture in a biohazard bag and seal.

Content/Requisition and Kit Ordering

Content/Test Frequency and Turnaround Time

Speciation of mycobacterial cultures is performed daily Monday to Friday.

Turnaround time is up to 7 days from receipt by PHO laboratory.

Content/Test Methods Title

Mycobacteria are identified by MALDI-TOF, the GenoType Mycobacterium line-probe assay test (Hain Lifescience), MPT64 protein test (SD Bioline) or by sequence analysis.


Results are reported to the submitting laboratory as indicated on the requisition.

All new isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis are telephoned to the submitting laboratory within 24 hours of identification.

Specimens that are positive for Mycobacterium tuberculosis are reported to the Medical Officer of Health as per Health Protection and Promotion Act.

Mis à jour le 20 juill. 2020