Syphilis - Direct Fluorescence Kit order#: 390047
Conformément au Règl. de l’Ont. 671/92 pris en application de la Loi sur les services en français, l’information sur la commande de tests et les instructions connexes fournies sur la présente page sont disponibles en anglais seulement parce qu’elles sont de nature scientifique ou technique et qu’elles sont destinées à l’usage exclusif des fournisseurs de soins de santé qualifiés et non des membres du public.
This supply pack is sufficient for one Syphilis Direct Fluorescence analysis containing two slides, one slide holder, and one General Test Requisition
Follow instructions for both slides and submit one slide for examination. The extra slide is supplied in case of breakage. Please discard if not required.
Specimens will not be tested:
- If swabs are sent in charcoal or antibiotic transport medium
- If any condition affecting the integrity of the specimen in regards to readability (e.g. gross contamination, smear too thick, presence of blood cells etc.) is present
- If synovial fluid is submitted
Instructions (refer to reference below):
- Label the frosted edge of the smear side with the patient’s name and date of birth.
- Draw a circle 1 cm2 in the center of the slide.
- Wear gloves and take necessary precautions to avoid accidental infection
- Remove the superficial layer of the lesion with the aid of sterile gauze.
- Cleanse the lesion with sterile saline without preservatives. Dry the area. Wipe away any blood, which may collect.
- Gently press the tissue surrounding the sore, until sufficient serous exudate is available for collection using a 1 mL syringe with needle removed.
- For smear preparation:
- prepare smear by expelling the exudate into the circle
- do not spread the exudate more than 1 cm2 on pre-drawn circle on the slide
- air dry
- Complete all fields of the requisition: include, the patient’s full name, date of birth, Health Card Number (must match the specimen label), enter ‘Syphilis Direct Fluorescence’ under test description, source of specimen, date of onset, date of collection, physician name and address, and clinical diagnosis.
- Place the dry slide in a slide holder and then into the blue sealable portion of the biohazard bag that is provided.
- Insert the completed requisition in the pocket on the outside of the sealed biohazard bag.
- Store at 2 - 8° C until ready for shipment. Avoid extreme temperatures.
- For further information about Syphilis - Direct Fluorescence specimen collection and testing refer to the Test Directory Index.
Storage of unused kits:
The kits can be stored at room temperature. There is no expiry date.
Reference: Health Canada – 2006 Canadian Guidelines on Sexually Transmitted Infections-Revised edition. Available at http://www.phac-aspc.gc.ca/std-mts/sti 2006/sti intro2006-eng.php, (accessioned February 6, 2009). Section III, page 2.
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