Archive of COVID-19 Data and Surveillance Reports on Special Topics (ad-hoc)

This page contains an archived collection of different previously published PHO COVID-19 data and surveillance reports on special topics. These reports were produced ad-hoc on topics including: specific settings (e.g., congregate care, child cares schools), variant and mutation profiles and specific populations (e.g., children, older adults).

This archived content is being made available for historical research and reference purposes only. PHO is no longer updating this content and it may not reflect current data or information. These reports only contain information that was available at the time of publishing.

For current COVID-19 data and surveillance information, please refer to our COVID-19 Data and Surveillance page.

To explore COVID-19 data and trends over the entire COVID-19 pandemic (i.e. February 2020 onward), please visit our interactive COVID 19 Data Tool.


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Updated 19 Sep 2023