Cardiovascular Disease

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an umbrella term used to describe the diseases of the circulatory system (heart and blood vessels). They are the leading cause of death in Canadian adults. Many CVDs are preventable.

The most common CVDs are:

  • ischemic heart disease, which may lead to heart attack
  • stroke
  • peripheral vascular disease
  • heart failure

Other CVDs include:

  • rheumatic heart disease
  • congenital heart disease
Below are documents and resources related to the burden of CVD in Ontario.



PHO Rounds: Preventing Childhood Asthma: The Neglected Impacts of Antibiotic Stewardship and Human Milk Exposure in Infants

This session of PHO Rounds presents a recently concluded study of 600,000 Canadian children in two provinces, showing that this association is operating in populations at a scale that may help to explain observed tempering of the asthma epidemic.

See the Event Details
Updated 20 Nov 2019