Ontario Tobacco Monitoring Report

Tobacco use remains the leading preventable cause of premature death in Ontario with 16,000 tobacco-related deaths each year. In 2018, the tobacco-related economic burden in Ontario was estimated to be almost $7.0 billion.

The Ontario Tobacco Monitoring Report 2018 serves as an environmental scan and surveillance report of tobacco use in Ontario. The report summarizes main patterns and trends in tobacco use, including e-cigarette use, and provides an overview of comprehensive tobacco control programming in Ontario for 2017-18. The report aims to inform the development of policies and programs to reduce the impact of tobacco use and nicotine addiction across the province.

Full Report

Supporting Documents


Public Health Perspective on Supporting Infant and Early Mental Health Promotion

This Rounds highlights a unique and more intentional system approach, which is needed to support early mental health, to optimize the outcomes across a child’s lifetime.

See the Event Details
Updated 27 Nov 2019