PHO Talks – “Antibiotics and the Zoo Living in You” (Bradley Langford)


15 Nov 2019

The next entry in our series of PHO Talks puts us under the microscope to examine the impact of antibiotics on the microbiome. An environment consisting of trillions of organisms living on and within you, the microbiome represents our own personal ecosystem, one that needs our collective protection.

During this PHO Talk, Bradley explains how antibiotics can disrupt your microbiome, and what you can do to protect it. 


PHO Talks: Antibiotics and the Zoo Living in You – Bradley Langford

This talk focuses on antibiotics and their impact on the microbiome. The microbiome is an important environment of trillions of organisms living on and within you. Bradley Langford, Pharmacist Consultant, shares how antibiotics can disrupt this delicate ecosystem and what you can do to protect your microbiome.

Duration: 9 min

About the Speaker

Brad Langford works as Pharmacist Consultant within the Infection Prevention and Control team, frequently contributing his expertise to numerous PHO resources related to antimicrobial stewardship. 

About PHO Talks Speaker Series

Launched in 2017, PHO Talks is a speaker series that features some of the brightest minds at PHO exploring various public health topics and share their ideas aimed at driving innovation in the sector.

Check out some of our other talks from this year:

  • “The Future of Environmental Stewardship” – Dr. Elaina MacIntyre explores the evidence linking human and ecosystem health and the importance of restoring balance between us and the natural world.
  • “LEAN starts with People” – Katarina Goenadi explores how she used LEAN to improve the coordination and distribution of specimen container kits that are used for testing across Ontario.
  • “Why are people against health?” – Justin Thielman discusses how an individual’s personal value systems may sometimes compete against their own health.
  • “How to get the most out of your data” – Trevor van Ingen examines society’s increased desire for more data in all areas of our lives, and the importance of being purposeful and considering the “why” of data collection.

PHO Rounds: Preventing Childhood Asthma: The Neglected Impacts of Antibiotic Stewardship and Human Milk Exposure in Infants

This session of PHO Rounds presents a recently concluded study of 600,000 Canadian children in two provinces, showing that this association is operating in populations at a scale that may help to explain observed tempering of the asthma epidemic.

See the Event Details
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Updated 15 Nov 2019