Legionellosis (Legionella, Legionnaires Disease)

Legionella are bacteria found in natural water environments and can grow in human-made water systems, such as plumbing, cooling towers, hot tubs, showers and decorative fountains. Breathing in small droplets or vapour of contaminated water can cause mild infection (Pontiac fever) with flu-like symptoms or pneumonia (Legionnaires’ disease). The elderly and immunocompromised people are at greater risk of illness.




PHO Rounds: Can a Voluntary Isolation Centre Reduce Secondary Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in Households: A Matched Cohort Study

This Public Health Ontario (PHO) Rounds will present a study which compared transmission among households where first cases used the Toronto Voluntary Isolation Centre (TVIC) with households that received routine self-isolation guidance, prior to widespread vaccine availability.

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Communicable Disease Control


Updated 13 Dec 2024