Antimicrobial Stewardship in Long Term Care
We promote and support antimicrobial stewardship as an effective strategy for limiting inappropriate and excessive antimicrobial use, while improving and optimizing antimicrobial therapy and clinical outcomes for residents in long-term care (LTC). Overuse of antibiotics, particularly in the older adults, has been associated with an increased risk of harm. Fifty percent of antibiotics in LTC are not needed. Residents in homes with higher antibiotic use experience a twenty-four percent increase risk of antibiotic-related harm.
Long-term care residents present unique challenges to antimicrobial stewardship. See resources below to encourage antimicrobial stewardship in LTC.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Program
The UTI Program supports LTCHs to improve the management of UTIs for non-catheterized residents in their homes and helps them implement the organizational and individual practice changes required.
Antimicrobial Stewardship Essentials
Shorter is Smarter: Reducing Duration of Antibiotic Therapy
PHO Rounds: Candida auris: A New Disease of Public Health Significance (DOPHS): Management of this Highly-Transmissible Fungal Pathogen
This PHO Rounds session will discuss the latest protocols and reporting requirements for C. auris in Ontario. The session will also cover essential information on the mode of transmission, case management, and infection prevention and control considerations (including diagnostic testing)
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