Equipment Loan Program
Our Environmental and Occupational Health group maintains indoor and outdoor air sampling instruments that are available for temporary loan to public health units and other public healthcare organizations in Ontario. Our team can consult on and support investigations. We do not loan equipment to the general public.
The following is a list of instruments available through this loan program:
Ammonia (NH3)
- RAE Systems ToxiRAE (0-100 ppm)Ammonia
- MultiRAE Lite Wireless Portable Multi-Gas Monitor
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
- MultiRAE Lite Pumped –Portable Multigas Monitor
- TSI VELOCICALC® Multi-Function Ventilation Meter with Air Velocity and Temperature articulating probe and Indoor Air Quality probe
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
- RAE Systems MultiRAE (0-100 ppm)
- RAE Systems ToxiRAE (0-100 ppm)
- TSI VELOCICALC® Multi-Function Ventilation Meter with Air Velocity and Temperature articulating probe and Indoor Air Quality probe
Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2)
- RAE Systems ToxiRAE (0-100 ppm)
RAE Systems MultiRAE (0-100 ppm)
Formaldehyde (CH2O)
- Graywolf Multimode Formaldehyde Meter (20 - 1000ppb)
Particulate Matter
- TSI DustTrak™ DRX 8533 Aerosol Monitor (desktop model); available with outdoor enclosure
Volatile Organic Compounds
- PpbRae 3000
Air Sampling Pumps
- SKC AirChek XR5000 (5 available)
- SKC QuickTake 30
- Mercury Tracker 3000 IP
Ultrafine Particles
- TSI P-TRAK Ultrafine Particle Counter
- TSI CPC 3007
- Narda Selective Radiation Meter SRM-3006 (420MHz to 6GHz)
- Narda Exposure Level Tester ELT-400 (1 Hz to 400 kHz)
- 3M Sound Pro DL-1 (Type 1/Class 1 sound level meter); available with outdoor enclosure
- RAD7 Radon Detector
Moisture and Humidity
- Tramex Moisture and Humidity Meter
N95 Respirator Fit Testing
- TSI Portacount 8038 Respirator Fit Tester
*Please note, we do not carry consumables such as cassettes/cartridges, filters; these would have to be purchased separately by your organization.
If you are a public health or healthcare organization who would like to request an instrument, please email InstrumentLoan@oahpp.ca
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