Maternal and Infant Health
Health of the mother and child during pregnancy and the first years of life are crucial to healthy growth and development. This period begins prior to conception, through pregnancy, birth, post-partum period, infancy, and the first few years of early childhood. Pregnancy and childbirth have an important impact on the physical, mental, emotional and socioeconomic health of women and their families. We offer expertise and resources related to maternal and infant health.
PHO Webinar: Trauma-and Violence-Informed Approaches to Completing Mental Health Assessments: GAD-7 and C-SSRS
This session will explore the application of trauma- and violence-informed (TVIC) principles in administering mental health assessment tools, such as the Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD-7) Scale and the Columbia Suicide Severity Rating Scale (C-SSRS).
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