Planning or evaluating? You need a logic model.


13 Jan 2017

In the field of public health and health promotion, logic models can be a valuable tool.  Logic models show the if/then relationships between program input, activities, and desired outcomes. They can provide a clear and continuous method for establishing the logical flow of a program yet be dynamic and responsive to changes along the way.  Logic models can also serve as a tool for identifying advances towards program goals.

In follow up to the Logic Model Theory to Practice webinars that were held in the Spring of 2016, Public Health Ontario has released additional resources to support the use of logic models as planning and evaluation tools.

The Focus On: Logic model – A planning and evaluation tool provides an overview of logic models and includes design examples and descriptions of their use in program planning and evaluation.  The Logic model: Theory to practice Webinar Q&A  provides practical information and answers questions that were posed during the webinar discussions.

This resource was developed by Public Health Ontario’s Health Promotion Capacity Building (HPCB) team.  To find out about the release of related resources and all of the other exciting work going on at PHO, sign up for our monthly newsletter Connections.

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Updated 13 Jan 2017