Orientation for Infection Prevention and Control Leads in Long-Term Care
This page provides orientation resources for Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) Leads in long-term care homes. These resources can be used as a roadmap or guide to build knowledge, skills and abilities needed to be successful in an IPAC Lead role.
Whether you are new to your IPAC Lead role or have been supporting your long-term care home for some time, these resources are designed to support your professional growth from the time you enter the role through completion of a formal IPAC training program.
Presentations: Orientation for Infection Prevention and Control Leads in Long-Term Care
These presentations are components within the Orientation for Infection Prevention and Control Leads in Long-Term Care Checklist. They are intended to support the professional development of new IPAC Leads in Long-Term Care. They cover information on topics like: IPAC programs, environmental cleaning, surveillance, reprocessing, CRMD and occupational health. Please watch for these new resources later this summer.
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