PHO celebrates National Infection Control Week 2018


15 Oct 2018

Image courtesy IPAC Canada


National Infection Control Week (NICW) begins October 15. We are recognizing this year's theme of "No Borders" and making available a series of PHO resources on our website to help you raise awareness about Infection Prevention and Control (IPAC) in your own organization. An annual event since 1989, we celebrate and recognize the efforts of health care workers across Ontario, whose commitment to IPAC protects the health of Ontarians.

On October 16, be part of our PHO Grand Rounds presentation, carbapenemase-producing Enterbacteriaceae (CPE) - Bacteria Without Borders. Speakers Camille Achonu and Kasey Gambeta will speak on the epidemiology of CPE in Ontario and a coordinated approach to prevention and control among public health, IPAC, medical and laboratory professionals.

Registration is available for in-person attendance, or via webinar.

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Updated 15 Oct 2018