COVID-19 - Schools and Related Settings

PHO works closely with the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Education and local public health units and provides scientific and technical advice to support developing and implementing policies, programs and services to prevent COVID-19 in schools and other related settings including childcare and day and overnight camps.

PHO also develops a variety of resources for staff and administrators to support COVID-19 prevention and control. These resources are complementary to the support and resources provided by local public health units and the Government of Ontario.

Questions About Schools Re-opening

Visit the Government of Ontario’s COVID-19: reopening schools webpage or contact the  Ministry of Education or your local school board for any questions related to schools reopening.



PHO Microbiology Rounds: National Surveillance of Neisseria gonorrhoeae AMR in Canada

This Public Health Ontario (PHO) Rounds will present on the Gonococcal Antimicrobial Surveillance Program (GASP-Canada) surveillance system which accepts N. gonorrhoeae isolates, clinical specimens, and data from the various provincial and territorial public health laboratories.

See the Event Details
Updated 29 July 2021