Construction, Renovation, Maintenance and Design (CRMD)

In construction, renovation, maintenance and design (CRMD) projects, health care facilities need to consider how and when to incorporate infection prevention and control (IPAC) measures to reduce potential health care-associated infections. The resources below can assist infection prevention and control professionals (ICPs) to navigate a CRMD project through all three phases:

  • planning
  • work
  • commissioning

The resources include checklists, guides, information sheets and planners; some of which can be used in more than one of the three phases. They can be modified and adapted for use within your organization and are designed for use with the appropriate CSA standard(s). For each phase there is a presentation that provides background information. For more information or guidance on using these tools contact your Regional IPAC Office.

ICPs need to be involved in the project planning phase to ensure that IPAC risks are identified and mitigated. The tools below will assist in the planning phase.


  • CRMD planning phase (This presentation identifies the ICP's role and highlights key IPAC components in the planning phase)



Information Sheets

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ICPs need to be routinely involved in the ongoing work phase of the project. The frequency will depend on the scope of the project and the risks that are identified in the planning phase. The tools below will assist during the work phase.


  • CRMD Work Phase: This presentation identifies the ICP's role and highlights key IPAC components in the work phase.



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Commissioning ensures the final checks and balances needed for completion prior to occupancy; although it may occur throughout a project. The tools below will assist in ensuring the IPAC requirements have been met and the area is safe for occupancy by staff, patients and visitors.


  • CRMD Commissioning Phase: This presentation explains the commissioning process, how to identify IPAC deficiencies, and the importance of post occupancy monitoring.



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Infection Prevention and Control

Updated 31 July 2023