Archive: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
This page contains an archived collection of PHO’s previously published COVID-19 resources. These resources provide a point in time perspective of the COVID-19 pandemic in Ontario
This archived content is being made available for historical research and reference purposes only. PHO is no longer updating this content and it may not reflect current data or information. These resources only contain information that was available at the time of publishing.
For current information, please refer to our COVID-19 landing page.Data and Surveillance
Health Professionals
PHO Rounds: Preventing Childhood Asthma: The Neglected Impacts of Antibiotic Stewardship and Human Milk Exposure in Infants
This session of PHO Rounds presents a recently concluded study of 600,000 Canadian children in two provinces, showing that this association is operating in populations at a scale that may help to explain observed tempering of the asthma epidemic.
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